DC Attacks Fans With Superman Unchained Variant Covers Celebrating Superman Turning 75.

DC Comics is planning another huge variant cover stunt, this time releasing multiple covers of Superman Unchaned #1 by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee to honor Superman’s 75th anniversary. The issue, set to be released June 12th, will feature images celebrating Superman throughout the eras by acclaimed artists Dan Jurgens Dave Johnson, Neal Adams, Jerry Ordway, Lee Bermejo, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Bruce Timm, and Brett Booth.

DC continues to flood the comic market with variant covers.  They recently released Justice League of America #1 on Feb 20th, 2013 with 52 variants, featuring the different state flags. This stunt was mocked by Marvel who released a state bird variant of Uncanny X-Men #1 featuring Deadpool getting pooped on by 53 State Birds. Critics complain that variants may over-saturate the industry similar to the “special edition” covers in the 90’s, which may have partially led to the comics market crashing when folks got sick of paying for overpriced chromium and 3-D covers.

People can complain and mock all they like because variants sell and make companies loads of money. Justice League of America #1 had the strongest single-issue sales for a comic in the month of February since 1996, as well as the biggest single month sales for DC since 1996. Money talks and your cash is telling comic companies you are addicted to variant covers!

I am not the biggest Superman fan, but some of these are gorgeous. My favorites are by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez and Bruce Timm’s. I bet they announce they are releasing 75 variants!

DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio states:

We really wanted to go after the artists that captured the flavor and the spirit of the times that we were going for — everything from Superman’s inception through the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Modern Age, through to capturing the time of Superman Reborn. Also, we’re looking at Superman versus his greatest nemesis, Lex Luthor.

So we really wanted to capture the things that just resonated with the people throughout the years, because ultimately it just shows the life and longevity of this character. And the fact that we’re able to launch this book, Superman Unchained, in the way we have just shows that he’s just as vibrant and vital now as he was 75 years ago.

Here they are:

Brett Booth

Neal Adams

Lee Bermejo

Jerry Ordway

Dave Johnson

Dan Jurgens

Digital Deluxe Cover by Jim Lee

Source: IGN


Jay Deitcher, LMSW(@mrdeitcher) embraces the term MUTANT and proudly represents his MUTANT brothers and sisters.  He is an educator on comic history and runs successful Free Comic Book Day events yearly.  You can see a listing of his incredible articles and his highly energetic videos at JayDeitcher.com.